God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me. (Gen.21.6)

Monday, September 6, 2010


Well Australia is quickly becoming a global laughing stock as we continue to have no government. The independents wax and wane. There is drama as campaign promises are broken and new pacts signed between opposing parties, and as independents are abused by party members. Of course each side is claiming a morale victory when in reality neither side has achieved enough support from the Australian public.

The independents are now the key to which side will win. However they can't, or won't make up their minds. Goodness! We have politicians about to govern us who can't make up their minds on an important issue such as who will govern. What hope have we got in them providing sound government. Imagine what would happen now if we were invaded- the country could be lost before they decided how to defend it. I can't help recalling the movie about the Battle of Islandlwana where the quarter master won't issue ammunition because he hasn't got the proper paper work, even though the company is being overrun by Zulus.

1 comment:

  1. now its done - the only good thing to come of it is they got there without the support of Bob Katter

