Picture from: www.avenuek9.com/.../uploads/dog_look_alike.jpg
You never have to wait for a dog to get ready to go out, he's always ready.
Dogs just get more excited the later you are getting home.
Dogs like it when you leave things on the floor.
Dogs like to go fishing and hunting.
Dogs think you are funny when you are drunk.
If a dog smells another dog on you they just think it is interesting.
Dogs don't get angry if you call them by another dog's name.
Dogs never wake you up in the middle of the night and ask "If I die will you get another dog?"
Still not convinced. Try locking your dog and your wife in the boot of your car for three hours. Then open the boot and see which one of them is pleased to see you.
Could it be possible that you are more brave than a mermaid?